
Wednesday Friendsday

Happy Wednesday Friendsday everyone! Meet Cooper Bogenschuetz, the most beautiful English Golden Retriever I have ever seen!

Here’s the “scoop on Coop”: This beautiful boy was born on March 4, 2010, just a couple of days before his parents Linday & Trevor got married! Like all Goldens, Cooper is sweet-natured, energetic, playful, smart and loyal. Everytime Lindsay and Trevor walk into a room, Cooper runs up to them and brings ones of his toys as a “gift” – so sweet! From all of his morning and afternoon walks, Cooper is the most popular person in the neighborhood (especially to all of the kids!). Lindsay laughs – the neighbors still don’t know her and Trevor’s names – but everyone knows Coopers – lol.

As you can see from the photo above, Cooper’s favorite toy is a ball to fetch. He loves to play fetch – he’s better at retrieving them though than giving them back. Cooper also loves his tug-o-war ropes and squeaker toys, although the squakers in the toys usually only last a day because he loves to rip them out.

Although Cooper is still kind of a puppy – he is certainly not the size of one (he’s 85 lbs!). However, Cooper still loves to lay like a puppy (with his legs straight out behind him), and refuses to let his size stop him from being a lap dog. Speaking of puppies.. let’s look at some of Cooper’s puppy photos!!

It’s been a very exciting year for the Bogenschuetz family, Cooper recently became a big brother! Lindsay and Trevor welcomed a beautiful baby boy in July named Cameron. Cooper has done an amazing job adjusting to life and having to share Lindsay & Trevor’s attention. Occasionally, he will put a bib or burp cloth in his mouth and strut around the house with it – but overall Cooper has done an incredible job!

Lindsay was worried when they first brought Cameron home from the hospital and how Cooper would react. Surprisingly, the baby mellowed Cooper out. Cooper immediately became protective of the baby, standing between him and guests that would come over. Cooper loves to give big kisses to Cameron, too.

Lindsay, thank you so much for sharing your photos with us! We look forward to seeing your “boys” grow up together 🙂

Cute photos

Adorable photo

Just had to share this ridiculously cute photo of my friend Lindsay’s baby Cameron, and her pup Cooper. This should be on a greeting card or calendar or something.. Doesn’t get much better than this!



Wednesday Friendsday

While the pups love this blog about them, they wanted to share some photos and fun facts about their friends. Our first Wednesday Friendsday post features our friend Cooper! Cooper and his awesome pet-parents, Sarah & Paul Gavigan, live just about a mile north of us. Cooper (AKA “Coop”) is 10 years old and absolutely obsessed with his toys. This lucky pooch has 4 toy baskets (like the one featured below), and every day he likes to pick them out of the basket, transfer them all over the house and yard, and cuddle with them when he sleeps. Coop loves his toys so much that he treats them like his little babies, never chewing them up or destroying them. Coop has never met a human he didn’t love, and as long as you pet him he will never leave your side. This lover is also a registered service dog!! Isn’t Coop such a sweetheart? We love the Gavigans!